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This extension allows a GeoPackage to contain additional data that is related to geospatial (e.g., features) or attributes data. As an example, this can be used to establish a many-to-many relationship between features (e.g., points, lines, or areas) and multimedia files. By definition, the “left” side of the relationship is the “base” data and the “right” side of the relationship is the “related” data.


To use this extension, add the following rows to this table.

table_name column_name extension_name definition scope
gpkgext_relations null gpkg_related_tables read-write
name of actual User Defined Mapping Table null gpkg_related_tables read-write


This table describes extended relationships. It requires the following columns:

Column Description
id primary key
base_table_name Name of the table containing the base data (e.g., features) to relate
base_primary_column Name of the primary key column in base_table_name
related_table_name Name of the table containing the related content
related_primary_column Name of the primary key column in related_table_name
relation_name Name (profile) of the relationship
mapping_table_name Name of a user-defined mapping table

Add a row to this table for each relationship.

Hint: To further define the semantics for a relationship, consider using the Schema Extension on the mapping_table_name column.

User-defined Mapping Table

A user-defined mapping table describes the many-to-many relationships between base data and related data. A user-defined mapping table requires at least the following columns:

Column Description
base_id The primary key value of the base data table
related_id The primary key value of the related data table

Add a row to this table for each related pair.

Using Profiles

This extension offers a number of profiles. Each profile adds some specialized rules to make relationships more meaningful.


When the relation_name of a relationship is “media”, the related table must be an attributes table with at least the following columns:

Column Description
any Primary Key
data BLOB containing multimedia content
content_type MIME type of data

Hint: If you want to avoid data duplication, add a column to the user-defined mapping table containing a hash of the data. That way you can check to see whether a piece of media already exists in the table before adding it.

Simple Attibutes

When the relation_name of a relationship is “simple_attributes”, the related table must be an attributes table and that table must have TEXT, INTEGER, or REAL columns (no BLOB or NULL).

When the relation_name of a relationship is “features”, the related table must be a features table.